Bastrop EDC Recognized for Economic Excellence at TEDC’s Legislative Conference

Bastrop EDC Recognized for Economic Excellence at TEDC’s Legislative Conference Main Photo

19 Apr 2023


Bastrop Economic Development Corporation was among the top chosen for Texas Economic Development Council’s annual Economic Excellence Recognition program for 2022. The awards were presented at the beginning of the year during TEDC's 2023 Legislative Conference in Austin, Texas.

Bastrop Economic Development Corporation works to be a driving force to attract, support, and sustain the economic growth of its community. Efforts focus on enhancing the quality of life in Bastrop by advancing the investment, development, growth, and relocation of companies within the area. In addition to providing appropriate infrastructure, the Bastrop EDC promotes and supports economic development in the community that offers its residents sustainable, meaningful, and rewarding employment opportunities and greater access to desirable goods and services. 

The Economic Excellence Recognition program celebrates economic development organizations like Bastrop EDC that meet a desired threshold of professionalism. Recipients qualify for recognition based on training taken by their governing board as well as the economic development director and professional staff. Certifications, professional memberships and activities, and organizational effectiveness of the economic development staff also contribute to the standards for qualification.

"The TEDC's Economic Excellence Recognition program is one of the ways in which our organization honors the outstanding commitment to excellence of our communities and regions, their leaders, and their economic development professionals have toward the professionalization of their economic development efforts," noted Carlton Schwab, President/CEO of the TEDC.

Established in 1961, TEDC is an Austin-based, statewide, non-profit professional association with the objective of supporting the economic growth of Texas and developing strategies that promote a favorable business climate in the state. TEDC accomplishes this by providing information, educational, and legislative services to its more than 950 members.

Bastrop EDC

Ideally located in the heart of the Texas Triangle, Bastrop has easy access to Austin, Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas/Fort Worth. It’s a more affordable place with room to grow and a history of innovation. To find out how Bastrop is perfect for your business relocation or expansion, contact Bastrop Economic Development Corporation at (512) 303-9700 or

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