Bastrop, TX Jumpstarts Its Celebration of National Park and Recreation Month

Bastrop, TX Jumpstarts Its Celebration of National Park and Recreation Month Main Photo

21 Jun 2024


National Park and Recreation Month has been celebrated in July for nearly 40 years. The goal, as stated on the website, is “... to promote building strong, vibrant, and resilient communities through the power of parks and recreation.” While the City of Bastrop has always supported parks and recreation, the support was split. Well, no more! As of December 2023, the city created its first official Parks and Recreation Department! “By bringing these two services together and operating as one, a more strategic strategy is being developed to build a strong and robust City of Bastrop park system,” says Parks and Recreation Director Terry Moore.

Visit Bastrop on June 29, 2024

The best way to kick off your summer vacation is to visit Bastrop on June 29, 2024. The city has had a longstanding tradition of an annual 4th of July fireworks show. You don’t want to miss this heavily attended event.

This year, the day starts with the Bastrop Pet and Pal Parade! Yes, pets of all types are dressed in their patriotic best and will strut down Main Street for all to see and appreciate. Visitors traveling to Bastrop early enough can add their pets to the parade along with residents. Registration begins on the same day at 8:30 a.m. Awards will be given in seven categories.

For spectators, secure your spot along the parade route before 10 a.m. The parade goes along Main Street from the Courthouse to the Opera House.

If this daytime event isn’t your thing, Bastrop has you covered. Join us for an epic evening of Patriotic Fun at Fisherman’s Park! Bring your outside lounging items and the family for an evening packed with excitement and Patriotic Spirit! There will be music and activities for all ages. To end the night with a bang, literally, there will be a 15-minute fireworks show.

What better way to start your summer, prepare for the 4th of July, and explore Bastrop, Texas? There is none! 

National Park and Recreation Month

The National Park and Recreation Month theme for 2024 is, “Where You Belong” to celebrate ways park and recreation professionals foster a sense of belonging in their communities. With Bastrop’s newly formed department, Moore says, “Right now is a great time to be in Bastrop’s Parks and Recreation. It is our commitment to continue to work towards providing the best quality programs and facilities we can to the community we serve.” Visit Bastrop’s Parks website to learn more.

Consider Bastrop, Texas

Ideally located in the heart of the Texas Triangle, Bastrop has easy access to Austin, Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas/Fort Worth and is more affordable. It’s a place with room to grow and a history of innovation. To find out how Bastrop is perfect for your business relocation or expansion, contact Bastrop Economic Development Corporation at (512) 303-9700 or 
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